Alessandro Mendini

My way of acting and designing is an autobiographic need.

Photo by Marisa Montibeller

Alessandro Mendini

이탈리아 건축과 디자인의 역사를 바꾼 세계 최고 디자인의 거장,  Alessandro Menidi.
20세기 포스트 모더니즘의 선구자이자 대명사인 그는 셀 수 없는 걸작을 남겼습니다.


Alessandro Mendini (1931–2019) was born in Milan.

As a boy, he lived in a bourgeois hous designed by Piero Portaluppi. It was full of fascinating paintings by Alberto Savinio, Gino Severini, Massimo Campigli, Giorgio Morandi and the many other artists present in his family’s collection of modern art. Since 2003, when the second floor of this house became the Casa Museo Boschi Di Stefano, the collection has been open to the public.

Growing up in these visually stimulating surroundings was fundamental to Mendini’s creative development.

After taking his degree in architecture at the Milan Polytechnic, his direct influences were Ernesto Nathan Rogers, Marcello Nizzoli and Gio Ponti.
Interested in writing and theorising in addition to drawing, he successively directed the magazines Casabella (1970–1976), Modo (1977–1981) and Domus (1980–1985 and 2010–2011). He published the books Paesaggio casalingo (1978), Architettura addio (1981), Progetto infelice (1983), Scritti (2004) and Scritti di domenica (2016).

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Alessandro Mendini


Alessandro Mendini

My way of acting and designing is
an autobiographic need.

Photo by Marisa Montibeller

Alessandro Mendini

이탈리아 건축과 디자인의 역사를 바꾼 세계 최고 디자인의 거장,  Alessandro Mendini.
20세기 포스트 모더니즘의 선구자이자 대명사인 그는 셀 수 없는 걸작을 남겼습니다.


Alessandro Mendini (1931–2019) was born in Milan.

As a boy, he lived in a bourgeois hous designed by Piero Portaluppi. It was full of fascinating paintings by Alberto Savinio, Gino Severini, Massimo Campigli, Giorgio Morandi and the many other artists present in his family’s collection of modern art. Since 2003, when the second floor of this house became the Casa Museo Boschi Di Stefano, the collection has been open to the public.

Growing up in these visually stimulating surroundings was fundamental to Mendini’s creative development.

After taking his degree in architecture at the Milan Polytechnic, his direct influences were Ernesto Nathan Rogers, Marcello Nizzoli and Gio Ponti.
Interested in writing and theorising in addition to drawing, he successively directed the magazines Casabella (1970–1976), Modo (1977–1981) and Domus (1980–1985 and 2010–2011). He published the books Paesaggio casalingo (1978), Architettura addio (1981), Progetto infelice (1983), Scritti (2004) and Scritti di domenica (2016).

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Alessandro Mendini
